Phila Massages

Tag: calf stretch

  • The Calf Strain

    The Calf Strain

    A common sports injury that athletes such as runners, tennis players, and basketball players deal with is the calf strain. A calf strain is a tear of the muscle fibers in the back of the lower leg which consists of the Gastrocnemius and Soleus muscles.  Symptoms can include a sudden sharp pain at the back…

  • Achilles tendonitis

    Achilles tendonitis

    [1] One of the largest and strongest tendons in the body is the Calcaneal tendon, better known as the Achilles tendon.  This tendon is responsible for helping you walk to work, run those long runs, and jump with during that HIIT workout. When you stand up on your toes or push off, this is the…

  • Plantar Fascitiis

    Plantar Fascitiis

    Foot facts! Plantar Fasciitis, what is it? Plantar Fasciitis (PF) is a common foot problem that can cause pain in the arch or heel of the foot.  The pain is from inflammation of a band of tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot from the heel to the toes.  When the tissue becomes…